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Glitter Range

Glitter Facts

How to remove face glitter?
  • As the glitter is usually held to the face with a light gel or wax using warm water and soap should be enough to remove the glitter. If the glitter is applied with a stronger gel then you can use an oil-based makeup remover.
What is glitter made of?
  • Glitters are made of colour plastic sheets that are ground into small shimmering particles. Biodegradable glitter is made from Rayon or other more natural ingredients.
How glitter is made?
  • Glitter is made by cutting thin sheets of various materials into tiny, reflective particles. These materials can include plastics, metals, and glass. The sheets are then coated with pigments and adhesives to create a wide range of colors and finishes, from matte to holographic, enhancing their sparkle and versatility in cosmetics, crafts, and decorations.