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Stargazer Sustainability

At Stargazer we are keen to help our planet with making as many of our products eco-friendly as possible. We have set ourselves the following goals to try and acheive within the next 5 years.


To use carbon neutral couriers when shipping our products.

By using DPD to ship all our products globally we ensure that our products are carbon neutral for shipping around the world. SUCCESS

To have 100% recyclable packing materials for shipping our products.

All of the packing materials used to ship our products are recyclable. SUCCESS

To be as energy effient as possible at our warehouse and offices.

Our office and warehouse uses approximately 95% LED lighting to reduce electricity usable. We are also looking to transfer energy suppliers that are more eco-friendly to help with our useage even more. SUCCESS

To recycle paper and cardboard from our office and warehouse.

We currently recycle our carboard and paper with a weekly collection from our refuse collection company. SUCCESS

To have 100% recyclable packaging for all our products.

Currently approximately 40% of our packaging is recyclable. We are sourcing new packaging to replace existing lines which will also be recyclable, this takes time and we aim to have more products recyclable within the next 5 years.